All AMC Passengers must arrive movement ready. Passengers must have a physical copy of current travel orders for AMC to keep. Passengers must be in compliance with country travel requirements, please review the travel page below. Passengers who are not movement ready may be denied travel.
Passengers traveling via Space-Available travel must have a physical copy of all travel documents (leave paperwork, Space-A travel letter, and/or EML forms).
Duty Passengers
Duty passengers on Travel Orders are to check-in at the last six counters located on the ticketing level of the main terminal, next to HAWAIIAN AIRLINES. Counters open for check-in 6 hrs prior to departure. Duty passengers must be in line NO LATER THAN (NLT) **3 hrs 20 mins** prior to scheduled departure. Those passengers who arrive after the NLT time will be re-directed to Customer Service for further re-booking information or as PCS orders instruct. Please check our 72hr Schedule for "Counters Open" times.
Duty Standby & Space Available Passengers
Roll calls are conducted at the AMC ticket counter 3 hours prior to departure. It is recommended that passengers arrive approximately one or two hours prior to roll call time, in order to ensure time for processing.
Space Available seats are often limited, therefore, passenger planning and flexibility is key to Space Available travel.
Unaccompanied Minor Travel
IAW DoDI 4515.13 Minors between the ages of 10 and 18 years old as of the date of travel will be accepted for unaccompanied space-required travel on Air Mobility Command Patriot Express missions performed by DoD chartered aircraft. The minor must be accompanied to the AMC terminal or gateway by a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult who will remain with the child until departure and provide evidence that the child will be met at the airport of arrival by a parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult. Minors under the age of 10 are not permitted to travel unaccompanied.
The AMC Form 1004, Unaccompanied Minor Passenger, must be completed prior to travel.
Space-available travel is not authorized for Unaccompanied Minors.
Baggage Allowances
Passengers are reminded that baggage limitations are: 2 bags per individual, limited to 70 pounds max weight per bag and not to exceed the dimensions of 62 linear inches. Passengers may have one carry-on bag and one personal item, that must fit under any aircraft seat. Passengers traveling on orders with excess baggage will be charged $125 per extra bag.
Arriving at SeaTac on the Patriot Express
Passengers arriving at SeaTac International Airport should be prepared to walk from the satellite terminal (S Gates) to the International Arrivals Facility (IAF). This is a good 5-10 minute walk especially with small children. Please do not bring more than you can carry as assistance and baggage carts are not available until you reach customs and upon exiting the IAF. The airport does have porters for hire to assist with transferring luggage and pets that charge on a per bag basis. Please bring cash if you plan to use their services. Assistance from AMC personnel is limited so please plan accordingly. Wheelchair assistance is available with advance notification.
Prohibited Items
Passengers are reminded that hazardous items are not allowed to be shipped in baggage and must be declared upon check-in. Please visit the link below for a list of prohibited items.
We are committed to providing you the best possible service. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns during your visit.
In accordance with the guidance in the Defense Transportation Regulation-Part 1: Only one in-cabin pet space per ticketed traveler can be booked, not to exceed two total pets per family. In-cabin pets space may be booked provided the passenger ensures the pet container does not exceed 18” L x 11” W x 10 ½” H, the container will fit under the seat, and all carrier pet limitations are met. Carrier cannot be hard plastic.
Non-SOFA personnel cannot enter Japan through Iwakuni MCAS, Japan.
Please check this page often. Updates will be listed as soon as available. This message will only change if there are further updates to provide. Our website is the best place to confirm flight status and travel updates. ______________________________________________________________________________________
There is no way to predict the chances of being selected as Space-Available passenger. Space-A travel is governed by DoDI 4515.13. Passengers should reference this document for travel eligibility questions and requirements.
Many of our flights are fully booked or close to fully booked. However, we have never had 100% of our passengers show for a flight. We have passengers who arrive that are denied travel due to not being travel ready (i.e. incorrect/insufficient paperwork, incorrect passport/visa, etc.). We also see passengers on official travel who have been advised to arrive at our terminal without a confirmed seat to attempt Standby travel, which takes priority over Space-Available travel. There are many other factors that play into passenger selection such as: weight allowances, weather, how many passengers mark present for the flight, much of this information is not known until the roll call time.
At this time, Space Available passengers can be marked present no earlier than 24 hours to roll call. Space Available passengers can mark present at the ticketing counter during our processing hours or at our office before. Processing hours are notated on our 72hr Schedule. You must be marked present no later than 1 hour prior to roll call. Selection is based upon your travel category and the date and time of your sign up. The time you mark present does not bare weight upon the selection process.
To request a sign up, you would email a copy of your travel documentation to:
Active duty members need to be within their chargeable leave dates in order to sign-up. We will need to see a copy of your leave paperwork, EML form and any other necessary documents.
Dependents will need to present a copy of their Space-Available travel letter and EML form (if using)..
Travel requirements are based upon the country you are traveling to and change frequently.
Please select the country you are traveling to below for current travel requirements.
Click for travel info to: KOREA
Click for travel info to: JAPAN
Click for travel info to: GUAM