Our flights serve bases in Japan, Korea, Hawaii, and Guam.
Per AFI24-605v2, Chapter 2, Paragraph 2.25.3. For children under the age of ten years, without ID cards, passengers may use passports, or the child’s DoD ID number which can be retrieved from MilConnect website: https://milconnect-pki.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/. If the passenger ID card does not show a DoD ID number, the PSA must solicit it from the passenger. The DoD ID number may be retrieved from the MilConnect website.
MilConnect Instructions for DoD ID Numbers for Dependents
Inactive Duty Training Passengers
Members of Reserve Components may travel in a Space-Required (Space-R) status, on DOD controlled aircraft for attendance at Inactive Duty Training (IDT) assemblies within the CONUS, between CONUS and OCONUS or within OCONUS. Official Travel Authorization (TA) documents must be presented to AMC Passenger Service Agents to be considered during the Space-R travel selection process. Approved written authorization may include a Memorandum Letter or appropriate Service Form, directing a member to perform IDT and must indicate the dates and locations of training and be signed by an approving authority other than the member. Applicable head tax/FIS fees, meal charges and excess baggage fees will be charged at check-in. All travelers must have a valid ID card and all other required travel documents (e.g., passport, visa, country clearance, etc.) as indicated by the Foreign Clearance Guide (FCG).
Space Available Reminder
Per DODI 4515.13, Section 4, Paragraph 4.1.a., Reservations. There is no guarantee of transportation and reservations will not be accepted or made for any space-available traveler. The DoD is not obligated to continue an individual's travel or return the individual to the point of origin or any other point. Travelers should have sufficient personal funds to pay for commercial transportation, lodging, and other expenses if space-available transportation is not available. All associated expenses are the responsibility of the traveler.
Head Tax, Segment Fees & FIS
In accordance with public law, Head tax is a transportation fee assessed on all passengers. For Space-A passengers, head tax will be collected for passengers arriving or departing Customs Territory of the United States (CTUS) to or from Outside the Continental United Stated (OCONUS) locations on commercial contracted missions. Head tax fees will only be collected for space-a passengers traveling on DoD commercially contracted missions.
The segment fee is a head tax for CONUS to CONUS travel and will be collected from Space-A passengers traveling on commercially contracted missions, departing from a commercial airport with a commercial airport destination. A segment fee will be assessed for each segment of CONUS to CONUS travel.
FIS or Federal Inspection Service is a fee separate from head tax and will be charged only for Space-A passengers traveling to CTUS from OCONUS locations on PE (Patriot Express) missions through commercial gateways.
To view the 2022 Head Tax, Segment Fees, and FIS rate please click here