AMC command video defines what we do, why we do it

TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- During our recent wing commander's call and Air Mobility Command Safety Day we watched the 2012 AMC mission video, "AMC on Wings of Hope." The video was moving and gave me a great sense of pride in our Airmen and our mission. It highlighted what we do here at Travis Air Force Base and within AMC and why we do it.

As you know, we focus on global mobility. The analogy Gen. Raymond Johns, AMC commander uses in the video showcased what we do well in AMC.

"We fuel the fight, deliver hope and save lives," he said. This statement encapsulates the three core missions within AMC and here at Travis. We accomplish all of them.

What we do:

We fuel the fight. Whether we resupply a warfighter with ammunition in Afghanistan or refuel a fighter providing close air support. Airlift and in-flight refueling consistently deliver the right effects at the right place at the right time.

We deliver hope. When Haiti needed humanitarian aid after a catastrophic earthquake we were there with an outstretched hand. When the oppressed people of Libya called for freedom, we were there to support them. Our rapid global response delivered hope of a better tomorrow to the people of Haiti, Libya and others.

We save lives. When a wounded warrior needs transport from the battlefield to life-saving treatment in the United States, we can use almost any aircraft in our fleet to get them there in less than 24 hours. Aeromedical evacuation saves lives.

What we do is important, but why we do it is inspirational. The last line of the video says it all, "Someone, somewhere needs something. We may not know their names but we answer their call, sometimes with machines of war, sometimes with wings of hope. We will answer so that others may prevail."

This is the why of our mission. Simply put, we answer the call so others may find hope and success. That's what makes the Mobility Air Forces so remarkable. Time after time, everyone in AMC answers the call so others may prevail. We strive to support others and celebrate their victories. We will continue to make every effort to say yes, we can.