New program offers unique professional development opportunity

Ray Forcier, an Emotional Intelligence course facilitator, discusses emotional intelligence.

Ray Forcier, an Emotional Intelligence course facilitator, discusses how emotional intelligence intertwines with achieving professional goals during the civilian development course Aug. 15, 2017 at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. The Civilian Development Program is an Air Mobility Command program designed to encourage civilian participation in professional development programs. (U.S. Air Force photo/Candy Knight)

Tim Seaney, Air Mobility Command’s Management Level Support division chief, takes notes during the Emotional Intelligence course August 15, 2017

Tim Seaney, Air Mobility Command’s Management Level Support division chief, takes notes during the Emotional Intelligence course August 15, 2017 at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Air Mobility Command recently launched a new civilian development program for members of the headquarters staff interested in enhancing their professional competencies. (U.S. Air Force photo/Candy Knight)

SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. — Air Mobility Command recently launched a new civilian development program for members of the headquarters staff interested in enhancing their professional skills.


Unique to AMC and open to civilians in the paygrades of GS-05 to GS-09, AMC’s Manpower and Personnel Directorate worked with AMC's Diversity and Inclusion Working Group to create the Civilian Development Program. The program supports the Secretary of the Air Force’s initiative to encourage civilian participation in professional development programs.


“AMC created CDP to give civilians within the headquarters an opportunity to participate in a development program without having to sign any type of mobility agreement, which is traditionally done when civilians participate in Air Force civilian developmental educational programs,” said Darrell Raynor, AMC’s Civilian Force Development specialist.


A civilian mobility agreement is a signed document stating the employee is aware of and agrees with the condition that a position may require relocation at a later date.


During the year-long program, participants meet once per month for a two-hour session on various topics such as emotional intelligence, time management and résumé writing.


The opportunity to learn skills designed to help enhance their performance in their current positions, in addition to networking opportunities, are top reasons many individuals chose to participate in CDP.


“Civilians at all levels need to be given the opportunity to develop their skills, whether that be leadership, communication or any others,” said Tim Seaney, AMC Management Level Support division chief. “I think participation in this course will be beneficial in many situations and the things I’ll learn over the next year will not only help me grow, but also be used to help others grow as well.”

John Post, AMC Communications Directorate’s executive support assistant, echoed Seaney’s sentiment, stating CDP is a great opportunity to further develop his potential and advancement within civil service, while also building a diverse network of professional contacts.


“I believe [CDP] will reinforce my self-confidence and job performance by providing me fundamental techniques and knowledge areas which will benefit my organization,” he said. “After reviewing the agenda for the course, I feel the subject matter and different topics during the course will be insightful, and allow for some great cross-talk within the class.”


Raynor stated there are few programs for civilians at the GS-05-to GS-09 level, and he feels programs like CDP are beneficial not only to AMC, but the Air Force and DOD. 


“It is important for civilians at all levels to have opportunities to grow and develop their careers,” he said. “The benefits of programs like CDP are two-fold — they teach individuals various skills to help enhance performance in their current positions, and at the same time the program helps prepare them for future leadership roles.” 


Ms. Rossi Pedroza-Bertrand, AMC Protocol office visual information specialist, said she although her leadership thought it would be a good idea for her to attend, she is looking forward to invaluable exposure and networking opportunities.


“Too many times I’ve seen new development programs flare up, but there was no consistency or uniformity, and those programs were usually not productive,” she said. “I believe the design of this program allow it to be different from other learning programs, and I feel fortunate to be part of it. As part of any organization, you must grow and learn, and contribute value to your team.”