HQ AMC prepares for tomorrow by improving mission support today Published March 23, 2016 By Jodi Ames Headquarters Air Mobility Command Public Affairs SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Every 2.8 minutes, one Air Mobility Command aircraft takes off. That equates to more than 500 mobility aircraft launches from locations around the globe every single day. That ability to rapidly respond and span the globe is what keeps AMC in demand as a full-spectrum force, and none of that would be possible without continuous improvement and reliable support to the mission, forces and infrastructure that make up the AMC enterprise. In order to project and sustain that level of airpower and prepare mobility forces for tomorrow, it is crucial for MAF Airmen to focus on providing unparalleled support to the warfighter. That support ranges from increasing efficiencies that reduce operating costs to modernizing communication infrastructure to being more adaptable to Airmen's needs. The modernization of AMC assets and technology also plays an essential role in delivering these improved capabilities. AMC/A6, the command's communications directorate, has a history of leading the way when it comes to innovation and setting benchmarks for the Air Force. The directorate is responsible for providing network infrastructure support to every base within AMC, as well as the command and control systems for the 618th Air Operations Center located at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. Recently, the A6 staff worked to create a cyber-coordination center, which allows the team to analyze vulnerabilities and threats in order to assess the health of AMC networks using a service-oriented architecture. "In the AOC, the user-defined operational picture wouldn't have been possible without an SOA," said Robert Howell, chief of AMC/A6's Programming and Budget Branch. This improvement, along with another Air Force initiative known as Comm Squadron Next, will enable communications squadrons throughout AMC to leverage this enterprise data management service. Comm Squadron Next entails a restructuring of communications squadrons and will shift units from an information technology business to a mission assurance enterprise. "We are mobility Airmen who leverage cyberspace operations that understand fully how to help get the job done," said Howell. "If you are pushing pallets on the ramps, we stand by to figure out how we can do that smarter using cyberspace operations." These innovations wouldn't be possible without the resource support that AMC's Financial Management Directorate provides. According to Col. Michael Greiner, AMC's director of financial management, a critical component of mission support is the provision of resources -- enhancing current processes and being flexible and agile enough to develop new processes. "Our goal is to make sure AMC is resourced to do the mission," Greiner said. "We take that job seriously and take a customer-focused approach in supporting our wings." One way AMC/FM improves support to mission, forces and infrastructure is by focusing on enhancing the funding validation and allocation processes. "Resourcing our command and control information technology systems has to be a top priority as our C2 individuals need these critical systems to best plan where our strategic airlift and aircrews need to be and when," Greiner said. "Our goal is to codify a standard funds allocation process for future system development." The logistics, engineering and force protection professionals assigned to the AMC/A4 Directorate are also continually looking for ways to better support mobility forces. In the past year, the directorate has overseen the development of several programs and transitions dedicated to supporting AMC's mission, forces and infrastructure. "A4 provides all the support it takes to fly. We are always there to move cargo, move people, maintain aircraft and provide security," said Sara Keller, A4 deputy director. These changes impacted several areas of responsibility for A4, including health of the fleet reporting, expeditionary planning, civil engineering readiness, the Air Force Inspection System, the Line of Safety Audit program, total force initiatives and changes resulting from the establishment of the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center. According to Keller, AMC/A4 is focused on enhancing its 2022 vision of leading the force by providing affordable logistics in an increasingly joint environment. "We have absorbed a lot of changes in 2015, but we have not missed a beat providing support to the wings when it comes to our A4 mission sets," Keller said. "This wouldn't have been possible without our total force partners." Improving support to the mission, forces and infrastructure requires the kind of innovation, deliberate review of processes and fiscally disciplined approach that AMC A6, A4 and FM accomplish every day. Through this approach, Airmen can build on their strengths and provide cost-effective mission support functions that prepare mobility forces for tomorrow.