Resourcing the mission Published March 16, 2016 By Candy Knight Headquarters Air Mobility Command Public Affairs SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. -- Providing unrivaled global reach is a tough job, but imagine how tough it would be without money. AMC's Financial Management directorate's goal every day is to ensure AMC has the resources to perform its mission, modernize assets, and leverage innovative technology, while at the same time remaining good stewards of US taxpayers' dollars. "Our goal is to ensure AMC is resourced to perform our mission sets," said Col. Mike Greiner, AMC's Director of Financial Management and Comptroller. "We take that job seriously and take a customer-focused approach in supporting our wings. We put ourselves in our customers' shoes and ask 'how best can we serve them?'" Sometimes, the best way to support is simply providing the resources. However, in some cases, FM has found the best support is enhancing a current process, or developing a distinctive processes for unique situations. "Travis AFB has a unique flying mission because it is host the KC-10, C-5, and C-17. Every day aircrews are flying to locations all over the world," Greiner said. "Depending on the specific mission route, aircrews may need actual cash to pay operational fees. Through a process of continual evaluation, Travis realized it needed an enhanced capability to distribute funds whenever and wherever needed." AMC/FM worked with Travis to refine the capability, and successfully implemented it. "KUDOS to all involved. Because of everyone's hard work, not one mission was lost. Not only that, but we were able to enhance our partnerships with other agencies, and share our lessons learned with the DoD-finance community." One of FM's key priorities is also improving the funding validation and allocation processes. "Resourcing our Command and Control information technology systems has to be a top priority as our C2 individuals need these critical systems to best plan where our strategic airlift and aircrews need to be and when," Greiner said. "Our goal is to codify a standard funds allocation process for future system development." Another key priority is the growing partnership between AMC and the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center. The AFIMSC, officially activated in 2015, provides centralized management of installation and mission support capabilities. AMC, including FM, played an important role in the transition. "As we prepared to transfer our installation and mission support dollars to AFIMSC for the 2016 fiscal year, we played a key role in helping develop their 2016 fiscal year execution plan," Greiner said. "The plan is important because it shapes the distribution level of resources provided to different areas within AFIMSC's portfolio. This process will help pave the way for a smooth transition of resources, enhancing transparency at the wing level." "We continue to support AFIMSC as they work through the critical fiscal year resourcing drills (mid-year review and end of fiscal year planning), and stand ready to assist as they start to lean-forward and build next fiscal year's execution plan," he added. One AMC aircraft departs every 2.8 minutes every day from locations around the globe. Without resources, this would be only a vision. "FM helps turn vision into reality," Greiner said.