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Tag: Spark
  • Sheltering in place? Pope Airman has you 'covered'

    POPE FIELD, N.C. -- Team Pope’s Master Sgt. Andrew Spaulding has an innovative idea that may soon save your life while sheltering in place during a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incident.Spaulding, section chief of the 43d Air Mobility Squadron, is a semifinalist in the Air Mobility Command Spark Tank innovation idea competition.
  • 2020 AMC PHOENIX Spark Campaign

    Amid the on-going COVID-19 environment and efforts, the Air Mobility Command PHOENIX Spark and Innovation team has been behind the scenes putting together the final touches on the 2020 AMC PHOENIX Spark Competition campaign site.As of yesterday, the campaign site is live! To visit this year’s idea submission page, go
  • Bedrock: Dover’s innovation foundation

    Innovation has been pivotal to our nation’s progress throughout history, and it remains integrally important in today’s competitive world.
  • DoD, industry collaboration part of Spark Collider 2.0

    This past Friday once again marked a step forward for Team Travis’ recent forays into the private sector with the goal of stoking collaboration between its Airmen and leaders in the technology industry.
  • Innovation with Airmen’s morale in mind

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright said the Air Force must think of new ways to innovate over the coming decades to ensure it’s ready to win wars.