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  • Department of the Air Force pushes fitness testing to Jan. 1

    To continue minimizing close contact among personnel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ensure units and personnel are fully ready to resume, testing has been delayed from October to January, and testing in January will move forward without obtaining waist, height and weight measurements.
  • Altus AFB innovation team design shared across service

    Due to the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid response actions were required to mitigate the spread of the virus to ensure safe mission contributions. AFWERX, a community of Air Force innovators who strive to connect Airmen to solutions, requested Spark Cell centers across the Air Force to assist in virus mitigation efforts with personal protective equipment innovations.
  • Air Force IG directed to independently examine racial disparities in service’s discipline, advancement opportunities

    Department of the Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett and service chiefs, Gen. David Goldfein and Gen. Jay Raymond, have directed the Department of the Air Force Inspector General to independently review the service’s record on military discipline and developmental opportunities for African American Airmen and Space Professionals. The review will assess and capture existing racial disparities, assess Air Force-specific causal factors, like culture and policies, assimilate the analysis and conclusions of previous racial disparity studies by external organizations and make concrete recommendations resulting in impactful and lasting change.
  • Senate confirms Brown to be 22nd Air Force chief of staff on unanimous vote

    The U.S. Senate confirmed Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., June 9, to be the 22nd Air Force chief of staff, clearing the way for the decorated pilot and experienced commander to become the first African American in history to lead a branch of the U.S. military as its highest-ranking officer.
  • Commentary: Unrest in America

    To the Airmen who are mourning, angry, or weary of the battle against racial prejudice, discrimination, bias, and systemic discrimination, Chief Wright and I recognize your pain. As the Air Force's military leadership, we reflect on and acknowledge that what happens on America's streets is also resident in our Air Force.
  • Air Force removes initial height requirement for officer aviators

    As part of the Air Force’s on-going effort to encourage a more diverse pool of applicants to pursue careers in aviation, the minimum height requirement for officer applicants who wish to fly has been removed as of May 13, 2020.
  • New incentive fee plan gives residents, commanders stronger role in housing programs

    As part of a sweeping effort to improve the Air Force housing program, officials revamped the fee structure to ensure residents have a voice in the operation and evaluation of housing, and increase the chain of command’s involvement and ability to solve problems and drive improvements at the installation level.
  • Air Force releases grooming, fitness guidance during COVID-19

    In a message to Airmen March 31, Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services, explained installation commanders have the authority to adjust standards as needed, while also encouraging Airmen to maintain grooming and fitness standards to the greatest extent possible.
  • Goldfein says Air Force remains fully capable despite operational adjustments for coronavirus

    The Air Force is constantly assessing and adjusting practices to protect Airmen and families from the coronavirus pandemic while also ensuring that all operations continue worldwide.
  • Air Force launches year-long leader, supervisor development campaign

    On April 1, the Department of the Air Force launched The Leaders and Supervisors We Need, a year-long development campaign designed to improve the efficiency and accessibility of supervisory training and resources for all leaders, ranging from first-time supervisors to experienced senior management officials.